Close Grip vs Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: Which One Should You Choose?

When it comes to building a strong, muscular back, the lat pulldown is one of the most effective exercises in your arsenal. Whether you're aiming for a wider V-shape or greater overall back development, adjusting your grip during the lat pulldown can make a significant difference. In this article, we’ll break down the differences between close grip and wide grip lat pulldowns, helping you determine which variation is best for your fitness goals.

Understanding the Lat Pulldown

The lat pulldown primarily targets your latissimus dorsi muscles (or lats), which are the large muscles on either side of your back. This exercise is performed on a cable machine, where you pull a bar down toward your chest or behind your head, mimicking the motion of a pull-up.

However, the way you grip the bar can affect which parts of your back are activated the most. Two common grip variations are the close grip and wide grip lat pulldown. Let’s dive into how each grip impacts your workout.

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

A close grip lat pulldown is done with your hands placed about shoulder-width apart or even closer on the bar. This grip is often used to target the lower lats and can help improve bicep strength as well.

Key Benefits:

  • Increased Bicep Activation: With a narrower grip, your biceps play a larger role in the movement, making it a great option if you're looking to boost your arm strength.
  • Better Control: Many people find that the close grip provides better control over the movement, especially when trying to focus on form.
  • Tighter Focus on Lats: The close grip helps to better isolate the lower portion of the lats, which contributes to overall back thickness.

When to Use:

  • If you're looking to build back thickness and target the lower lats.
  • If you want to develop your biceps alongside your back muscles.

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

The wide grip lat pulldown involves placing your hands farther apart, usually wider than shoulder-width. This variation emphasizes the upper lats and helps create that desirable “V-shape” appearance by widening your back.

Key Benefits:

  • Wider Back Development: By pulling the bar wider, you activate the upper part of your lats more effectively, helping to broaden the back.
  • Better Lat Stretch: The wider grip allows for a greater stretch at the top of the movement, which can contribute to more muscle growth over time.
  • Better Posture: A wider grip helps open up the chest and encourages good posture, which is beneficial for overall back health.

When to Use:

  • If your goal is to increase back width and achieve a broader V-shape.
  • If you’re focusing on upper lat activation to create a fuller, more defined back.

Close Grip vs Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: Which One is Right for You?

Ultimately, the choice between close grip and wide grip lat pulldowns depends on your specific fitness goals.

  • For Back Thickness and Strength: If you’re aiming to build a more well-rounded and thicker back, the close grip variation might be a better option. It provides a more direct focus on the lower lats and helps with overall back density.

  • For Back Width and Definition: If you're looking to achieve that classic “V” shape and increase the width of your back, the wide grip lat pulldown will likely be more effective. The wider hand placement targets the upper lats and helps you achieve a broader physique.


Both close grip and wide grip lat pulldowns are fantastic exercises that contribute to a strong, muscular back. Incorporating both variations into your training routine will give you the best of both worlds — building both thickness and width for a more balanced, powerful back.

Remember, consistency and proper form are key. Experiment with both grips to see which one feels more natural for you, and feel free to alternate between the two to target your lats from different angles for optimal growth.

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